Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Yelling man

My apartment is located on the intersection of two roads: Peachtree (a long road that goes for a number of miles from the north to the south of metro Atlanta) and Pharr Road. There's a bus stop located on corner of Peachtree and Pharr and on two occasions now when I've been crossing the road to go back to my place I've noticed a guy yelling across the street.

The first time he did it I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or not. I'd only had my bike for a few days and since the traffic was particularly bad on this occasion I decided to use the pedestrian crossing to cross the road rather than ride with the traffic, and that's when he started yelling. At first I thought he was talking gibberish. I couldn't tell if he was talking to me or not either, but after a few moments realised he was instructing me to cross the road (since the pedestrian cross walks here are particularly pedestrian un-friendly and at this point in time, they confused the hell out of me). I could hardly make out what he was saying but it was something like

"You gotta go now, othawise you have to wait!"

And with that advise, I decided to cross as soon as the road became clear, nevermind what the sign said. Both hands holding onto my handle bars, I had to run across the street lest I be run over by a busy Atlanta motorist.

The second time I came across him it was close to midnight.

He spotted me standing on the other side of the road from him, about to cross in my wool-lined deerstalker/Holden Caulfield style hat;

"Wool hat! That's a goood hat!" he said excitedly.

"Yes, it is a good hat." I thought to myself as I crossed the street.

"Prettay, prettay, good!".

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